1. Fictitious Business Name - Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk
To determine if a particular business name is currently registered or to research the name of the owner(s) of a particular business, you may conduct an FBN ...
A Fictitious Business Name (FBN) is a business name that does not include the surname of the individual owner and/or EACH of the partners, or the nature of the business is not clearly evident by the name. For example, doing business under a name like:
2. San Diego County FBN Registration
Select Business Name · Business Addresses · Business Conducted By
3. Business Licenses - County of San Diego
Find information about rules and permits on the state's CalGold website. Businesses in County unincorporated areas may need to file a fictitious business name.
You do not need a business license in unincorporated San Diego County. You need to follow other business rules and may need permits.
4. Master Business Listings | City of San Diego Official Website
The following files include active businesses who have registered for a City of San Diego Business Tax Certificate. The files are updated the first week of ...
The following files include active businesses who have registered for a City of San Diego Business Tax Certificate. The files are updated the first week of each month and include the following information: Business Tax Certificate number, certificate effective dates, business name, business address, business phone, ownership information, and business activity.
5. San Diego County Assessor
Fictitious Business Name · Office of the Recorder · County Archives · Owner alert
We put people first with great customer service.
6. Helpful Business Resources | City of San Diego Official Website
The following websites offer valuable information that may be helpful in your business endeavors. Business Tax - (619) 615-1500 Rental Tax - (619) 615-1545
The following websites offer valuable information that may be helpful in your business endeavors.
7. California Fictitious Business Names / Official Records Searches
Access to California county websites and their online databases for searching ficitious business names, official records, property information and more.
8. Fictitious Business Names | Alameda County
Missing: diego | Show results with:diego
Page with information about fictitious business names (FBN) including links to FBN services.
9. Fictitious Business Name in San Diego
There are also options online now, and you can file with the LA County Clerk via the web at the fictitious names portal. Before you file, you will want to check ...
A relatively straightforward process, filing for a fictitious business name in San Diego, does require you to understand some specific details. Here, we will go over the entire process of obtaining a fictitious business name, which is also know as a DBA. Let’s begin with the basics and go from there as you begin your journey to filing a fictitious business name or DBA in San Diego, CA. If you need help with a business name, please read our article How to Come Up with a Business Name or contact our small business lawyer in San Diego for assistance.
10. Doing business in the San Diego District - SBA
Apr 1, 2024 · Business name and registration. Register your business name with the county clerk where your business is located. If you are a corporation, you ...
Business requirements