Telegram does not provide any law enforcement support as provided by 0ther messaging applications like WhatsApp and Facebook messenger. Telegram servers are hosted outside India. They have not given any subscriber details to the Law Enforcement Agencies in Kerala so far.
Can the government track Telegram? ›
Can Telegram be traced? In general, Telegram messages can't be traced if the police or other authorities don't have direct access to the app on a user's phone. However, Telegram stores some of the users' data on its servers for up to 12 months, so some of your information might be compromised due to a security breach.
Does Telegram report to the police? ›
Law Enforcement Authorities. If Telegram receives a court order that confirms you're a terror suspect, we may disclose your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities.
How to unlock secret chat in Telegram? ›
Here's a guide on unlocking the ultimate privacy mode in Telegram with Secret Chats. Initiate the Dialogue: Open the Telegram app and tap the pencil icon in the top right corner to start a new chat. Select "New Secret Chat" and choose the contact you wish to engage with discreetly.
Can the FBI see Telegram messages? ›
The FBI document says about Telegram: No message content. No contact information provided for law enforcement to pursue a court order.
Can deleted Telegram messages be recovered? ›
Telegram stores all data on its servers, including messages that have been deleted. This means that, with the proper tools, it is possible to retrieve deleted messages from Telegram. As a desktop Telegram user, you can recover deleted Telegram messages on your desktop.
How discreet is Telegram? ›
Your messages stay encrypted even when they reach Telegram's servers. As a result, Telegram cannot read the content of the messages, which are decrypted only when they reach the recipient.
Can a deleted Telegram account be traced? ›
Even after deleting your Telegram account, the IP address used during your time as a user can still be tracked by various entities. One key consideration is that Telegram's servers log IP addresses for security purposes. These logs help identify and prevent unauthorized access or suspicious activities on the platform.
Is Telegram being monitored? ›
Transparency and trust issues. In 2022, Telegram reportedly turned over user data to German authorities after they had already used a program called Bundestrojaner to hack the app and spy on citizens. This allowed them to arrest a group of criminals using an unencrypted group chat to plan a hate crime.
Why is Telegram used by criminals? ›
Telegram combines the anonymity of the dark web with the ease-of-use of an online marketplace. It is easy to search and find channels selling guns, illicit narcotics, prescription drugs and fraudulent A.T.M. cards, called clone cards.
While other social media platforms have frequently been accused of harboring illegal content, French investigators say Telegram repeatedly failed to engage with regulators or to comply with laws on moderation. “They are widely perceived as being a scofflaw when it comes to taking down illegal content posted by users.
Does Telegram expose phone numbers? ›
Q: If someone finds me by username, messages and I reply — will they know my number? No. Neither party will see another's phone number (unless this is permitted by your privacy settings). This is similar to the case when you message a person who you've met in a Telegram group.
Is Telegram safe to send photos? ›
On the other hand, Telegram, among the most used instant messaging apps, ensures the user's security and privacy by using an end-to-end encryption method. This feature keeps your messages encrypted even when they reach the Telegram's servers. Thus, it is known for its security.
Can I screenshot a Telegram secret chat? ›
For secret chat: Owing to its end-to-end encryption, only iPhone users can capture the screen, but Telegram notifies others of the screenshots. Also, the screenshot is black without anything. For Android users, Telegram alerts you, "Can't take screenshots due to security policy."
Telegram FAQTelegramhttps://telegram.org ›
With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos and files of any type (doc, zip, mp3, etc), as well as create groups for up to 200,000 people or channels f...
Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 200 million active users in four years. FAST: Telegram is the fastest me...
Telegram is marketed as a secure messaging app and used by Hong Kong protesters, but experts say it has flaws.
Can a Telegram account be traced by the police? ›
Police or Government Surveillance
They have the capability to trace your Telegram activity. Even though Telegram has a strong end-to-end encryption policy to provide a high level of security to its users. Still, government and security agencies may have resources to bypass this encryption and access user data.
Can Telegram messages be monitored? ›
The app creates an encrypted tunnel for messages in transit, which lowers the chances of unauthorized interceptions. Your messages stay encrypted even when they reach Telegram's servers. As a result, Telegram cannot read the content of the messages, which are decrypted only when they reach the recipient.
Can cops tap Telegram calls? ›
It has a strict privacy policy stating that it does not share user IP addresses, phone numbers, or other information with law enforcement agencies.