The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


of I East-South i MVIM.Y HILLS. 117.850. Approprl- JTVl-i RESIDENCE If 7 LOVELY GARDEN. Hlfh pos tlon, quiet cm-de-sec amongst mailer family mu rln. 2 tMd.

ITri W1 BURG IS MORItll rTY. 1.TO. Opp. Cnr. -64.

i.h. l4.42il CAPtAVAH MIAOt Neat cicvaiao, wnn Mnoramic water views, sap. rai, fully furnlmad. Til. In.

Fin-nee Arranged. Reg. No. SB4 551 467 SB5 527 SB6 597 SB7 184 11! SB9 611 SB10 52 66 SB11 23 570 502 783 663 SB12 313 561 624 SB13 84 SB14 486 494 454 736 SB1S 168 201 SB1S. 481 147 SB18 244 894 tlon 4000 free 4000 free 40l free 4000 p.c.

4000 free 1000 free 2000 free 4000 free 4000 p.c. 2000 p.c. 2000 free 4000 free 1 000 free 2000 free 4000 free 4000 P.C. 2000 P.C. 4000 p.c.

2000 free 4000 P.C. 4000 p.C. 12000 P.C. 2000 p.C. 6000 p.C.

1000 p.e. 7000 p.C. 4000 p.c, 4000 free 1000 free 12000 I. i i- XRirrer instttuts AUIIKAL NEW SOUTH cxt ban HANK I Nr. LAW.

Credtt (in mark order)! B. Pais 1 alphabetical ordir): P. A. BubbTN. J.

Cox. N. C. Crow-lay, C. Lynn, H- Mlrana, N.

H. Mprrow, Riley. R. yriicocxson. ACCOUNTANCY PART II, Credit (In mark ordr): E.

Harvv. ft. Smith. P. J.

Ruble Pass (In alphabetical order): Ho ney wing, a- m. wututKBon, SECURITIES. Credit (In mark order): P. M. Duck, N.

J. E. J. Harrison. Pass (In alphabetical order); fl.

R. Barry, P. Bubb, S. R. Ellen, D.

B. Farquhar, T. J. Hard, J. H.

Henier, K. J. Qullf. J. E.

Sptd- Nanking currency and exchange. Credit (In mark order): E. H. Cond ran K. P.

Crowe, Pais (In alphabetical order); P. S. Bubb. J. G.

Byrne, N. V-undon, V. G. Hughes. G.

L. La-ton B. Roberts, J. Will I Ami. COMMERCIAL LAW, PART II Credit: Nil.

Pass (in alphabetical order)) A. J. Frawley, H. R. Harrison.


Sporting and Social Club, do hereby given Notice that it is my Intention to make conditional application to the Licensing Court for the Armldale Licensing District to be holden at Armldale on the twenty-second day of July, 1969 for a Certificate of registration of ine saia ciuo unaer tne provision! of the a hrivemfin tinned Act tor premises situate at Bradley quire additions of alterations to maxe tnem suitable tor tne purposes of a registered club. DATED the third day of July, W. B. FARRELL, Secretary of the Guyra R.S.L. Sporting and Social Club.

NOTICI Is hereby given that the heretofore subsisting etween Clyde Burt Foxe Peter Lawrence Gleeson and Ronald nariey narns carrying on Business as Motor Garage and Service Station Prnnrletnrc at Narr- abrl under the style or Arm of nThe Town Hall Garage" has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the 30th day of June 1969 so far as concerns the said Clyde Burt Foxe who retires from the said firm and that the said Peter Lawrence Gleeson and Ronald Harlev Harris shall carry on In partnership the aforesaid business or Motor Garage and Service Station Proprietors at Narrabrl aforesaid under the stvle or firm of "The Town Hall Garage' as from the 1st dav of July 1969. Dated this 30th day of June. 1969 (Signed) Clyde Burt Foxe: Peter Lawrence Gleeson: Honaiq Fiariey Harris. SEAMEN'S ENRAr.EMFNT. irte to 1 1 owing seamen canea oy registered number are required to atteno tne seamen Engagement centres toaay.

SYDNEY AT 10.30 A.M. AH d597 dftSO 1QKS 114? 2252 4552 373 4473 216 420 703 11 SIS 710 3. OS 4920 4913 4808. DB 4962 4955. CA 500 10 367.

ER 819 782 635 148 533 OHi JSS a7P loU. PORT KEMBLA AT 10.30 A.M, Aft 53Xn 21 O.V 2418 2269 2365 DB CA 1970 2352. ER 2461 2446 till. WOULD any person having any! i niur motion toucernins a motor accident wnicn occurred at about 10.40 p.m. on Saturday, the 7th June, 1969, on the Pacific Highway, about 8 mites south of Corf's which wat trave no northerly direction was forced from the road by an overtaking vehicle believed to be a light coloured motor venicie or Japanese manufacture, please contact the un- derslnaed a a matter nf uraenrv The Identity ot this unknown and unidentified motor vehicle is ur-oentlv rec it I red NOLAN A NOLAN, Solicitors.

46-48 Smith street. Kempsey, TAKE Notice that It li Intended to appiy to tne Kcgistrar oi Companies to Incorporate a com-. pany with the name Callaghan neai estate ety. umiteo. con seauent noon the chanae name of tbe company presently called Callaghan Real Estate Pty.

Limited tn Caroan Hall Ptv. Ltd. The reason for the proposed cnange or name ana incorpora' tlon Is that the comnanv oresent. Iv called Callaghan Real Estate pty. Limited nas agreed to sen the Real Estate Butineti con ducted by It at 69 Wentworth aireet.

port THE GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY hereby gives one months notice of Its Intention to Issue a special policy In lieu of Policy No. Y2135B on the life of Gorgl Armen Serakordzlan wnicn is said to oe lost or acci dentally destroyed, t. JOHN A. GAVIN, of 78 Al bert Street, Rcvesby, WILL NOT be responsible tor anv debts In curred In my name without my1 written authority as from this SECURITY Life Assurances teo intend to issue special policy after one month. In lieu of poncy no.

33i uigi alio, declared lost. IAN GEORGE McDONALD. of 4 Chapman Street. Gymea, WILL NOT be responsible for any debts Incurred In mv name without my written autrtority trom jn-sgflte. NOTICE (CONDITIONAL! APPLttAI IUN, FOR A CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF A CLUB.

Liquor Act 1912, Sections 136, 136A. RONALD MANN, Secretary of the Manly-Warrlngah Masonic Club Limited, do hereby give notice that it Is my Intention to make (conditional) application to the Licensing Court of the Metro- Rolltan Licensing District to ba olden at Sydney on the 28th day of July. 1969, for a certificate of registration of the said duo under the provisions of the abovementloned Act for premises situate at Totem Shopping Centre (having an entrance from 203 Condamlne Street, Balgowlah, and a frontage of approximately 70 feet to the Car park, bv depths of approximately 96 feet on cither side) In the said Licensing Olstrlct which require additions or alterations to make them suitable for the purpose of a registered club. Dated the 30th dav of June. 1969.

R. MANN. Secretary of Manly- Masonic Club Limited. SCHEDULE L.IUJUK ACI llat AS AMENDED BY SUBSEQUENT ACTS PART MIA. Notice ot Intention to conditionally apply for a permit to sell and supply liquor In a restaurant.

Take notice that I PETER GERARD MADDEN, notice to the Clerk of the Licensing Court at Wollongong within the Licensing District of Wotlon- Song or my Intention to con-Itlonally apply to the said Court on the 17th day of July 1969 for the grant to me of a Permit to sell and supply liquor In a Restaurant In respect of the Restaurant known as "Lumbs Tavern" and situate at 1260 Prince's Highway, Engadlne. within the safd District. Signed bv me at Sydney 25th dav of July, 1969. PETER G. MADDEN.

Caterer, Flat 1. 1260 Prince's HI ah WAV. Enaartlne THE MUTUAL LIFE AND CITI- ASSUHAPiCC CU. LTf). hereby gives one month's notii of Its Intention to issue SPECIAL POLICIES In place of the following policies declared to have been lost or destroyed.

NG-62-46082: BAKER: B. J. NY-59-45357: BARNES: P. NY-59-45363: BARNES: E. NG-68-68344: LOW: S.

NG-6S-19161: MOSMAN: J. C4dqn'im- paid THE NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSUCIAIIUN Of- A US I HAW A a I A LIMITED Intends to Issue special policies after one month In place of the under-noted policies declared tost: 1739898 M. P. Schwarcz; 1775520 G. P.

Dan-gerfield; 1789709 G. Sanders; 1721907 H. V. S. Wllllamii 2700513 I.

Thompson: 1775448 S. A. Garslde: 1760375 A. A. Armstrong: 1760374 V.

M. Armstrong. AFTER 14 days from the publica tion nereoT tnat. tne pudiic rrui-tee for Victoria intends to file In the Supreme Court of Victoria an Electlqn to Administer the Estate of JOHN MICHAEL NICHOLS, formerly of 30 Burnley Street, Frankston, Victoria but late of 10 Sir John Young Crescent, Potts Point, New South Wales. Painter and Decorator, deceased, Intestate.

BARRY JAMES KlTT, Of 12 Elfrleda St, Old Toongabble, Will Not be Responsible for any debts Incurred In my name without my written authority, as trom this date. AUCTION SALES r. lawson pty. ltd." licensed auctioneers, belvedere private hotel, 81 Bayswater Rd. King's Cross, CONTINUATION SALE.

TOMORROW (TUES). 8th JULY. 10.30 A.M. Lots 965 to 1314, Including the contents of Chichester Room, Suites 35 to 43 and Suites 1 to 16 In the annexe. As previously fullv advertised.

On view prior to sale. JAME5 R. LAWSON PTY. Furniture, Fine Art and General Auctioneers and Valuers, 236 Castlereagh Street (near corner Bathurst Street). 26-6408-9.

26-6400. GEOFF. K. GRAY PTY. LTD.

will sell at the Dog Pavllloaw SYDNEY SHOWGROUND. 10.30 a.m. Today. Water Damaged Area Rugs. Vinyl, Linos and Associate1 Floorcoverlngs.

Re GRACE ROSELANDS. As previously advertised. Inspection prior to the sale. Inquiries, 27-8051, tOwnsoN' A MtiTtFR 77 nUlUINU) (AU1IKAUMI LIMITED. (Continued from Pravloua Column) pari passu with the ihiri nr re deemable prior to or pari passu witn tne actual re-riomrttlnn (which lor the purposes ol this clause shall Include the payment ol all accrued dividends to tne aaie or coemption) of the Preference KhirM (II) neither the rights or privileges nor ine r-rlca, nr inlnvmcnt of the rights or privileges of the holders of the Prefertnc Shares shall be in any manner directly or Indirectly affected altered modified varied dealt with or abrogated; nor (III) shall the Company execute any contract or guarantee for or In respect of the payment of dividends by any other cnronratlon or the repay ment or capital paid UP or credited as paid up on tne inarn ot nihur rfti-ruit-Atlt-in: nOP (Iv) shall the capital of the company oe reauwu.

if) If at anv time the dlvl dend on the Preference Shares Is more than six montni in arrear ex-l from th date UPOT which it became due, and nawmhlam ltj hnlriitri. nf the Preference Shares shall be entitled from time to time and at any time to appoint nv Mrann to be an ad ditional director (In this clause referred to ai "the Preference The preierence ui rector Vl rotation or lie subject to Articles 93 94 95, 99 and 103-108 (inclusive) but may at any time be removed from office by the holders of at least two-thirds of the Preference Shares and In the event of his vacation of office or removal howsoever occurring thi hci, rler. of the Prefer ence Shares shall thereupon have the sole right to appoint another Preference Director In his stead. Anv appointment or removal ol a Preference Director shall be In writing served on the Company and signed by or on behalf of the holders of at least two-thirds of the Preference Shares. A Preference Director may at any time by notice in writing to the Company resign his omce.

A preierence urrectoi appoint anyone whether a member of the Company or not to be his alternate Director on the Board of Director and to aet In his place and stead and the prererence urrecror or tne holders of at least two-thirds of the Preference Shares may it bis or their discretion remove such al ternate director. An alternate Preference Director shall be subject an respects to the terms and rnndltlnn exlstlna with reference to the Preference Director and while acting In tne Place or tne rreiereuce Director shall be entitled to xprcli6 and dlscharae all the powers authorities and duties of the Preference uirector. (g) The Preference Shares hall redeemed bv the Company by repaying the capital paid up thereon and all arrears ot dividend and accrued dividends up to the date of redemption out of the profits or out of the moneys ot the Company wnicn may lawiuuy oe a Dolled for that purpose II the Companv becomes the subsidiary of another corporation within the meaning of Section 6 of the Companies Act 1 961 (as a ended po the Co m-pany being given notice In writing by any holder of any or ine rreierente Shares reauest no tne co pany so to redeem the Preference Shares held by sucn oioer PROVIOFD THAT: (I) such notice must be given to the Company within three months from the data upon I which the Companv becomes a subsidiary as fit. that the Comoanv shall only redeem the Preference Shares held by the naiaer or noiaers wno olve the aforesaid notice. (h) Subject as herein belore provided the Preference Shares shall be redeemed by the Company by repaying the capital paid up thereon and all arrears of dividend and accrued dividend up to the date of re-remptlon out of the profits or moneys ot the Companv which may lawfully be applied for that purpose Immediately at the expiration of 15 years from the date of Issue of the Preierence Shares PROVIDED HOWEVER that the Company may at Its option and without payment of any pre-mlum within three months before the expiration of 10 years from the date of issue of the Preference Shares by notice In wrlilno addressed to the holders of Preference Shares notify that It will redeem the same at the expiration of the said period of 10 years by repaying the capital paid up thereon and all arrears of civiaena ana accrued dividend uo tn the Hat nf re.

demptlon out of the profits or out of the moneys of the Company which may lawfully be applied for that shall be bound to redeem the Preference Shares In accordance with the terms thereof and of this Article. If the Company shall fall to redeem any of the Preference Shares then unredeemed when so required to do bv this Article a majority of three-fourths In value of the holders of Preference Shares may at a separate meeting of holders of Preference Shares resolve that the Company shall be wmind nn uihnr. upon the holders of the Preference Shares shall have the right to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company for the purpose of considering and if thought fit passing a special resoiu tlon to wind nn the mm pany. At any such Extraordinary General Meeting a holder of any Preference Shares present In person or oy a proxy or oy a represents! ve author ken in r. cordance with Article 90 hereof shall be deemed to constitute a quorum.

In 1 voting at any such Extra- oroinary general Meetlni the Preferece Shares sha confer on the holders thereof such number of votes as will entitle such holders to four times as many votes as are conferred by all other shares In the capital of the Company on the holders thereof and each Preference Share shall confer on the holder i-cicui rate a Die propoi tlon of such votes. Vmtn General Meeting shall be 5. Article 53 shall be amend by Inserting between "Article 56" and "and" the words and figures "and to Article 4A." 6. Article 75 shall be amended by Inserting before the first wora thereof "Every" the udJt. to Article 4A hereof and by reducing the c.ici tvery lower eace.

7. Article 81 shall be amended between "Article 89 and "any" the words and figures "and to Article 4A DATED "this fourth day of July, BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, A. J. BROWN Secretary. Mem her am tniii.j appoint a proxy to attend and 5tead at the Meeting and such proxy need not be a memper or the Company.

THlAArVEAR-T0F. THE COM- GEM INDUSTRIES (HOLDINGS) PTY. LIMITED (IN LIQUIDA- NOTICE Is hereby given that1 the creditors of the abWenamed "ame-s and addresses and" the particulars of their debts and claims with William James Calthorpe the Liquidator of thl said Company at his office, Wilson Bishop, Bowes Craig, 44 Martin Place. Sydney, and ff so required by notice In writing from the said Liquidator are to attend and prove their said debts and, claims at such time and place asj 5ln "ri, MTh.u"01 be excluded from the benefit Of ouo oeioro sucn at sya i 969. W.

J. CALTHORPE, IN THE MATTER OF THE COM PANIES ACT, 1961 GEM INDUSTRIES PTY. LIMITED mn LininnATiokii the creditors of the abovenamed Company are required on or be-fore the 31st day of July 1969 to lodge their names and addresses and the particulars of ineir wuib ano Claims Witn Wl I am James Ca It hom*o th i im.i dltor said Company, at his office, Wilson, Bishop, Bowes Craig, 44 Martin Place, Sydney. niuifiu iruni tne saia Liquidate, are to attend and nmw. thai.

said debts and claims at such time and place as shall be specified In such notice: or in default thereof, they will be excluded from the henefit ft anu 4it.i. butlon made before such debts Dated at Sydney this 1st day Liquidator. PUBLIC NOTICES THE AUSTRALASIAN TfmiTed ANC AND GENERAL MUTUAL i-irt MSSUKANCt SOCIETY LTD. Intends after 7th August, 1959. to issue SPECIAL POLI- cics in ueu or roucies Noa.

C3318164 on the Ufa of ALEX ANDER C3279468 on the life of VIC- iun LMrvnercE hahki 29334710 on the life ot HARRY RAYMOND BOWDEN; N1037451 on the life of ERIC STUDIOS TO LET AND WANTED ROiE Bav ShooDlna Centra. Caroet ca ana sounapruoiea in noori, with phont, 3 largt windows, sire 18 14, $20. Free easy parking, opp. bus stop, FLATS TO LET ATALt. ATTRAC-flVE FLATS.

304 rill St. ru rttj. A. ALBERTS, FLATS, NO FEtY 324 Pitt 51 4th PI. 26-3735.

AT CORRECt AG. BIST FLATS AT V- lutntstl tvna rooml serviced, parking, cooking, AT King's X. flat, f.t.. own linen, tioan. qmei SIS 1A7a Hourka St.

31.3868 C. flat, at W.S. Under dZ gin or gent. mx, gas, TV. no leaseT Nr.

citv unl. $9-50. ATTRACTIVE lux- Terrace. 4 br. (3 dble f.

turn. New w. aut. w. mach.

CI. itn. $40. 65 London St, Enmore. ATTRACTIVE FURN.

FLATETTE, Phone, electric stovette, linen, Harbour views. From $10 single and from $18 dble. Rltz, tremorne romi. KU-jaaa, ACHFIFLO Mir fullv (urn. alt.

F'ette. oas stove. Share bathrm. Wash. mach.

Off-street parking. S14 p.w. met. Avail, day. 74-1332, a.h 40-5235 ALL THB BEST FLATS.

F'ETTES Any Accom. in all suburbs from io aju, nu ictj. us iiri, BEST PERSONAL SERVICE. rnRRFTT AGENCV. 366 Geo.

St. nr. G.P.O. 25-4103. AT VALE, 384 PITT ST.

61-6578. B.9.K. ano irom FURN. and UNFURNISHED. F'ettes.

dble. Rms. from $7. CLOSE SCHOOLS, SHOPS. TPT.

All subs. New or near-new bdqs. Immediate Inspection Arranged. 0P FICE OPEN TILL 6 P.M. BALrJoWLAH forru 1 b.r," flat.

SIS. 95-6878. nice turn. Bat, $19. CORFU CT cltv.

25-4103. BRONTE, opp. beach, 1 b.r., s'out. full frig. $24, 51-7584.

BONDIl F'ette. furn. Near trot. $14. 337-4495, 31-3304.

BURWOODt Nlceiv furn. 1 If.rnnt- tlQ 71.5518. BONDI. Mod. 2 bedrm.

fullv furn. Fiat, parage, ivi nasnngs ran. aiinwnnn- Tuiin Onuhlt F'ette. own serv. 45 Rlwv Cres BONDI Nice s.c.

a. Albert, city, zo-. BRONTE Attr. Unit. mod.

w.w. $20. A. Albert, city, 26-5735. BURWOODi Completely S.C.

furn. 1'i large tiled bathrm. $20. 76-7606. BURWOOD: Completely S.C.

furn. 2 large tiled hiihrm C7V 76.7606. BEXLEY Rockdale, one bedrm. sc. l.f., bus.

lease, oona. uoou ref. 50-3062. BOND) Junct. Clean Furn, Flatette.

BURWOOD. S.C. Furn, Suit Busi ness (-oupie oniy. num. muni BONDI, Spotless Dble.

F'ette, Al linen, eavv, w.i KDt. SI 6. 337-3116. OONDI large 2-3 b.r. unfurn.

flat, suit 3. $24. TAYLOR P.L. Bondl J. 38-0321.

BONDI bright 2 b.r. unfurn. flat. TAYLOR P.L.. Bondl Junct.

nurii cn.i-lrtue 1 bedrm, and sleeo-out. rear of shop, with car space. S24, Phone 30-5655: 38-0129, -sKirti. i- RIIDM l.hfrir. Flat just on snops ana iinn, tih oeacn.

per coiv. RONDI' UNFURN. Flat, l.r., kit. and bth. $21 per JAMES ABRAHAMS Pty.

22 Kellett Street, King's Cross. 35-4022. CRONULLA, $9 P.W. rurnisneo riat, sun ousiness avaiiaoie now. inspections opp.

P.O.. Miranda. 524-6276. CAMMERAY. $19 PER WEEK.

Moa. unturn. i -oeorm. unit witn parquetry floor. It.

fittings. Car space Included. Close to city transport. LANG. WOTTON.

199 New South Head Rd. Edgecllff 3Z-3696. 3Z-q3U7. CARRAMAR. BRAND NEW.

272 RIVER AVENUE. Just opp. Railway Station. Beautiful Garden Suburb. Balcony, carpark, auto, laundry.

i'HURST, dble. alnk. frige. 31-4191. 20 Burton.

UC. H. Attr. F'ette, $14, A Alhurr rltw OBLE. BAY: Furn.

elev. am. ver. rn. zo p.w.

36-6123. to 11.30 a.m. DULWICH HILL. 1 bedrm. S.C.

Fiat, tuny Turn, ids uio canter-burv Rd. 61-9676. DARLING POINT: Spacious newly decorate a z-oear. i-ukn. i-lai l.r., s.r,, large bathroom, Close transport, $38 per week.

IAMFC. A ARHAHAMS Ptv. Ltd. 22 Kellett Street, King's Cross. FLATETTE, 'double fully furnished.

F'ETTE, 'fully s.c. frig. 55 Burong St, Darllnghurst, F'ETTE, Dut. HIM, own frig $11, Inc. gas.

etc. 56-7545. FIVE DOCK, nice furn. flat. $21, CORRECT cltv.

25-4103. FOREST LODGE, GLEBE, as new bach, flat, suit z. iu, A Itn 1 ft FLATS, Plenty. SMITH LORE, flS.77.ld. fl5.774'5.

85-7746." FLATETTE, Near station, shops, etc. phone, washing machine. Suit Gent. $13 Including gas, light, linen, etc. 59-8455 all hours.

ABODE REAL ESTATE, Z5a Fr-rtorlrlt- St. Rnekriale. GIRL to share Ellz. Bay flat, own rm. FLATMATES, 28-325S.

GIRL to share Mosman unit, own GIRLS OR YOUNG MEN. Require a Flat to share, or a compatible Flat Mat7 SHARE-A-FLAT. Ph. hut. 10.30-6.

30. GIRLS and young men, let me solve vour nat snaring prooiems ana nna tne ngnt person ioi you. FAYE ROBINSON. 29-2247, 9.30-12.30. HURSTVILLE.

$22. Full unftirn. home, garage. At train. Suit 2.

57-2255. Wright, Hurstvllle, uiiqctvii l.F I.hedr. Ur.furn Flat, as new. Right at ttatlon and snops. t-arquet noors.

Venetian binds, etc. $20 wkly. Inspect, 12 Parry Ave, Narwie, 3 P.m. COLIN HAWKINS, 53-9193. Lugarno.

KING'S S.C. flat. Fully furn 1 1 Inge, kit. S25 p.w. Phone, lease, 35-6287.

KINGS Cross, furn. flat, $17. Apply No. 6 Omeo. 42 Bavs- WAtfr Rrl.

35.R7tl1. KOGARAH. Brand New Luxury Flats, unfurnished. 2 bedroons, own laundry. Carpets, Venetians.

Including garage. $26. Lease. Refs rt. i.

Viuud irteai est; at station. Kogarah. 567 6566. KING'S CROSS. HOLIDAY FLATS.

Calf rnnt-ainfxi flltlv tOUlDOerl. Recommended by Leadlny Agents ana uverseas visitors. aikm APARTMENTS, 203 Victoria St Phone 35-5566. KlNti or WHlli; tor pwuLnunc, I AXFMRA lnv nnc. unfurn.

bedrm. unit, beautiful bldg. Ultra Spac. uir-sireei park.

1 mln. stn. szo. 7B-si a. MANLT.

5gie. 'Jtte. own Qi- Unnrf 1Q.27S2 MOSMAN. For sgle. bus.

girls. Attract. B.S.R., with sunny garden aspect, fully with own fully equipped ette. very nanoy, 969-6590. 969-7039- MARRICKVILLE.

DULWICH HILL Mod. 1-2 bedrm. Units. Sep. own laundry, bale.

From $18. DAYMAR 464 M'vllle Rd. Marrlckvllle. MOORE PARK: S.C.

MOD. FURN, bach. flat. Close trans. Laun.

dry, parking. $20 per week. JAMES ABRAHAMS Pty. 22 Kellett St, King's Cross. 35-4022.

PETERSHAM. 1 bedrm. fullv furn Fiat. Good position, ciose shops and trans. $17 p.w.

A. H. Taylor fiy. parramana noao, Petersham. 560-7066.

DOTTC POINT- Modern Fullv Furn. UNITS, large glassed In balcony, 1 tiled and bathrm. TV. Phone. $40 and 536, GWEEDORE, 12 St, 35-2560.

ONE vear's LEASE OPTION to BUY. ALL rents paid creaitea as ruLL ueruii i to wards purchase price of UNIT. RENTS FROM $26 P.W. These UNITS are the ULTI MATE In quality and finish. 33 VICTORIA RD.

MATTA. For further Information ring 61-6570, 634-1919. VALE. 384 Pitt St. SYDNEY.

POTT POINT; Snacloua S.C. UN. FURN. 2-BEDft. Flat.

Close all amenities, szs per weex. KING'S CROSS: FURN. BACH. PLAT. Own kit.

Share bath. $16 per weex. POTTS POINT: S.C. FURN, BACH. FLAT In MOD.

prestige uiioinB- muio. launary, i-nt, $29.50 per week. JAMES ABRAHAMS Pty. Ltd. 22 Kellet Street, King's Cross.

ROZELLE. S.C. 2 Inge. 517. 110 M'JIten St.

37-SZ46. RANDWICK. new luxury 2-B RM carpeted. $27 p.w. 39-4620 RANDWICK) BRAND NEW.

Luxury unfurn. Flats, in moil prominent popular position. Large living-room. Individual laundries, balcony, narque'ry covered oarklna. Gracious llvlno $26 weekly.

Inspect 22 Dutruc at, nana wick. aays a weex, 10-5. 665-2827 or 35-2477. SOUTH COOGEE: Modern S.C. at.

etc. unl. Car. pels. S19 wk.

Inspect, Flat 3. 105 rviaiaoar rtoaa. H. AMADIO 117 Pitt 5t. 28-1 276.

VAUCLUSE: Brl Fiat, coastal bids. $28.50 Rose f-TANM ORE, 39 Lincoln St. Furn. net, gar. Ph.

Hdy. tpt. 56-6775. VAUCLUBB, Watson's Bay. $36.

Luxury uniurnnnea i -pea room Duplex Fiat. Spacious. Views. Gaape. KEITH wrmi a.

rn 392 Oxford Street, Bondl Junction preVt. 1 b.r., par W.W. CPU. JS. JI-7SH4.

YOUNG Lady required to share n. Appiy rial AOOOtSTOra rvtnsingtnn, FLATS WANTED TO RENT BETfs pitTTtTTilETjTTj; FLATS. HOMES, RMS. ANY FLATS. h6U5E5, 61.3238.

AT VALE, 384 Pitt St. NEEDS; Homes, Rooms, t6i-657B, Al ACCOMMODATION. 29-2626, Wa need properties for short or long terms, Manawemcni George St, Sydney, A.h. Ph, APARTMENTS, BOARD RESIDENCE TO LET ARTARMON i SI rioTe wn7 "All nr. tpt.

uent. ai-isot, ACC, sgle. $7, dble. $9 wk. h.w.s.

109 King St, N'town. 51-3158. ACC, i 3 nice S7-S8. car pk. 41 Georglna St, N'town.

ASHFIELD: Spotless Furn. L. dble. room, own cook. 798-5077.

ACC, Bondl Full Brd. or B-B. 36 Carrlnaton Rd. 3B-5312. AT PETERSHAM: Furn.

F'ette. frig. 59. BUS. girl.

56-3533. AT PETERSHAM: Furn. F'ette. $9. 56-5633.

Slnale all convs, 49 Bennett St. Bondl. 38-5223. ACC. sole, cosy rm ACCOM.

Sol ahara rmt Free n.w.s. iv, wasn. macn. 'am ACCOMMODATION: C. B.

Cham- oers, 4i Pitt 9t, city. i Niaht attonriartt 211-S11S. ACCOM. GOULDS. 700 George St.

city. sgies. uaiiv, wkiv. H.W. 2d -hour ctrvlt.

211-1930. run ooara. uent. Mod. tar in.

Hay tm. i v. 79 Occjn St. Wnnltahra. 52.4705 ASHFIELD Near station, large fura Car arjace'.

642-21159. ASHFlELDi Dble. carpeted, wen rurn. moo. convs.

inne. H.W. Hanriv tat Sid. 71-9195, ACCOMM. Nice single and dble.

cnna or ram. weic. Sfi.1fiK1 ASHFIELD. Good dble. all cons.

wasn. car space, nr. shops. 5ult couple or 2 girls, 71-9240. Al 29-2626.

ALL bUBUKBS. F.B-. B.B., F'ette, 391 George St. Sydney. ACCOM, Full board, singles, share.

p.w, uents. 9 mins. cur oy fnrrv wtu TV uiih fas- McMahon's Pt. 92-4489. ai MCManon point, tratna rn priv.

Hotel nas vacancies. Lames or oents. uooa tBDie. At an transport. 10 East Crescent St.

97-39RQ. CITY. DltTArll 3 miVMIC nuiELl TV. kitchen. H.

anrl C. Awatea. 70 Ersklne St, Wvn Stn. name. iui aatnurst si in.

n. stn, INQUIRIES, HAME. 61-2787. De Luxe, Gents. Bram new single rooms.

CARPETED. meals o.d. TV car p. Endeavour Lodge. 203 Catherine Leicnnarat.

sdu-uuo. ACCOMMODATION Ladks and Business Girls, Exclusive Accom. From $8. Cooking and laundry facilities, TV lounge. mins.

to city. ARLESTON LADIES' LODGE. 59 The Boulevarde, Lewlsham. 56.57.1 1. BONDI J.

Sgle, Rm. Cook, ing. bus. gent. pn.

3i-4izo. BONDIl Nicely furn. cosy all convs. Incl. 38-0793.

after 3. BONOIt Gents' Single Rooms, all convs, 266 Bond! Rd. BONDI Beach. Sunny room, nice home. 116 Roscoe St.

30-2794. BONDh Furn. Yard. Room. etc.

SB. Gent. 56-5633. BONDI Bch. Nice Ige.

clean Room, BONDIi Single Flatette, own BURWOOD. 200yds stn. Nice skie an cons, 74-Booi BURWOOD PRIVATE HOTEL. 1st class B.B. fr.

SB. 747-5928. BONDI. nr. bch.

Ultra mod. Sgle. ana iwin rr. a'i. 3B-1651 BONDI: Furn.

Single Room. Own cooking and convs. SB. 50, Very nice BONDI: Dble. furn.

rm. with kit. own trig, suit z-a pers. inq. Fiat 1.

69 Penklull St. BED and Breakfast, handy city. Strictly a quiet sober gent only. From $8 per week. Ph.

31-1752. 40 Lang Rd, Centennial Park. BOARD: Pte. Home. East Hills.

Good food, homely, swim. pool. Jetty. $15. 77-2606.

13 Burbank Avenue. BONDI Single, double, full board, weekend meals, TV. washing. Car park. At bus.

38-4363. 80 Old Sth. Hd. Rd. BURWOOD; Full board for men, close stn.

TV. Excell. meals, wash. Iron. 7 Boronla Avenue.

74-9927, 74-9078. BONDI, PACIFIC HOTEL. W.W. phone, hot water, TV. PERMANENT RATE.

Single Room. SI 4. B.B. p.w. Double from $20 B.B.

p.w. CASUAL RATE: From $3.50 day. B. and B. Phone 30-7234.

ALSO: CITY ACCOMMODATION. Every room contemporary furniture. H. and C. water, carpets.

FLUORESCENT LIGHTS. Reading Lamps. Permanent Single Rates $12. Twin and DouEle Room $16. Inspection Invited.

PARK HOTEL. COOGEEt girls only. Nr. tnt Sfl Ikn rnnuc. RR.177n CROW'S NEST: Double or Sgle.

TV, an convs. S7'a. 49-1889. CITY: Rooms fr $9, quiet. TV, 41a Drultt St, T.

Hall. COOGEEi Grand Pacific P. Hotel. Fr. S12.

Nlaht 2.50 fifiS-GHfll CROW'S Nest. Large comf. Serv. Turn. Koom, snare convs.

iu n.w. 92-6601 CITYt Comf. modern Serv. Rooms, an n. ana c.

sgie. si fl. aoie. $20. twin $21.

31-5348. DRUMMOYNE. Lge. Sgle. Room, Suit acnt.

Al con. B1.1R9R. ENMORE: Furn. F'ette. Stove, sink, frla.

SB. 50. Gent 56-5633. ELIZABETH BAY. Comf.

clean fur- nisnea serv. Kooms, w.w. carpet, cnoklno facllltftvt. Rlna 3S-d059. FULL Board available, 2 gents, cut lunch Includ, Close to Univ.

Ring 660-4013 after 11 a.m. FULL private board, washing, cut luncn, men oniv. wo snut worx 1R HaMlnoc St Marrlrkvlllo. FULL BOARD for men. Best of mcais an con.

bus at aoor. can 561 Botany Rd. Waterloo all KING'S CROSS. FARRELL HOUSE Priv. Hotel, dble.

Suites. TV Lounges, all mod. cons. Dally $2.50. weekly from $fi.

Farrell Ave nr. Wm. St. P.O. 31-4555 KIRRIBILLI.

Sgle. and Dble. Rms. 1 mln. ferry.

Mag. Harbour views. Sgle. from $7 P.w. Dble.

from $12 p.w. Incl. break-fast. Apply 1 Waruda St. Phone 92-7061.

LEICHHARDT: single room, ser viced. 57 p.W. bb-4a57. MARRICKVILLE: Furn. F'ette.

Sep. kit. $9.50. Gent. 56-5633.

MOSMAN: Sale. rm. $9 wk. Kit. convs 41 Belmont.

969-7224. NEWTOWN: Furn. F'ette. Stove, sink, frig. $9.

Gent. 56-5633. NTH. sgle. for gent, own close trans, hmbjo.

NEUTRAL Rav 2 rms. for 2 aents Cook. conv. Aft. 5 p.m.

929-7429 neutral bay: ette, 51 z. Wurrmhi RH OO-RHB NEUTRAL BAY: Furn. Twin Rooms available. Ph. 9U9-i5b4, or can 27 Shellcove Road.

NEUTRAL BAY: Serv. Sgle. F'ette, close to ferry and ahops. 90-5160. NEWTOWN: Single Rooms, large, nicely furnished, balcony, use kitchen.

$7 and $8 p.w. 96 wuson St. alter a.m. NEUTRAL BAY. WATERFRONT.

Newly appointed Single and Twin Accommodation from $9 per week per person. Close to transport, also Flatettes available In "WAL-LARINGA MANSIONS," 19 Low er wycomDe HQ. pnone. 9Q-5Z31 PADDINGTON: Rooms, $8. conv 31-5475.

31-4050. Tien PETERSHAM: Furn. F'ette. Sink, stove ir a. sj.

tent. Sb-h63t. PARRAMATTA: Lge. kit. and trig, suit uents.

t-nr. pnutip ana naries streets, p.m. PETERSHAM: rihttv rm. own TV. h.w.

Handy trans. axe cnna. Maria St. REDFERN: Serv. own, sunny, mod.

$9, 46 George St. RANDWICK: Rooms, dble. B. and B. 5 Frances St.

39-2282. R'DALEi Deluxe acc. yng. ladles, gents, use mod. cons.

59-2524. ROZELLE Guest House, full tarmrff. TV, wash, 15 mlns. from city, i-iornsey at. a.t-5.

5t, 82-5307. larde Rm, 11, Cook cons. ROSE PAY B. and Bfst Gentleman only, $11, Cool i inorv- j-aaju, 5TRATHFIELD Stn. Best board.

Fr. $10 wk. 40 Roberts. 747-4547, Bs-immcn nui: mice sgie, a1 Stn. Rrip.

gent. 12 Gowei APARTMENTS, BjOARD Arsu Ksiukffiiijjb. WANTED HOTELS, HOLIDAY RESORTS BONDI BOND! S.C; Hoi. Flats or Cott. 1 or 2 b.r.

'Vac. 38-1663. KATOOMDA (Blue Mtns.l GOYDER Only clean Flats. Lists Box 34. Tele 2.

SO PER Furnished Fiati. send lorlists, nox s. P.O. Katoombj. Phone Katoomba '163.

LAKE AOflUARIE (C. Cxi) "Ai hi hon i cottage, Hath- mines. 4 mnes Toronto. Accom. 4-5.

Ring after 6 p.m. SYDNEY AT LESWELL. 32-2426. $3.50 dally o. rnd 0.

Close city, overlooking Double Bay, 365 Edgecllff Rd. Edgadlft. INTERSTATE QUEENSLAND COOLANGATTA ALL New Beachfront Flats. Best tgatta posn. write aanta vims Marine i-arng MONEY, STOCKS AND SHARES FTxed Mortgages.

V. a An I TO Mart 2.S.13T1-2 AVAIL. ALL MORTGAGE MONEY Norman L1DDLE and Co. AccOun- If tJllf tuit 31. U-pilUI AVAHADlt MUKItiAlit MONtT.

Stanley inompson investment, 7 Carrlnaton St. Svit. 29.Sd81. ADVANCES WITHOUT SECURITY. io-iiuo.

same a ay. REFUGE LOAN PTY. 245 Pitt tnaa. Lvronm, ADVANCES: Sin to 1O0 No i-uas. aisq suu ana upwaras on Lars ano Tuiniture.

GENERAL AGENCY CO. PTY. 65 York St. 29-2578. Opposite Lottery Office.

AN ADVANCE NEEDED? Private Confidential Smalt Loans without security. No fuss. Same day. PARKER LEE PTY. 5th Floor, St.

James Bulldina. 109 Elizabeth St, city. Telephone applications on 28-3626. 28-7132. open every oay ano Saturday, AN IMMEDIATE ADVANCE on pending Legal settlements anrt Willt.

Also on furniture, cars, land Shares, etc. Prompt personal loans, m.c ana otner oeois refinanced. Terms are up to 3 yra. We are Principals. W.

BERKMAN PTY. Established 1B8S. 694 George Street (corner Goulburn Street). Phone 211-4933. ADVANCES, SAME DAY.

Wthout security fr. $20 to $100. -Unlimited amounts on shares, bonds. deeds, cars. furniture.

H.P. accts, paid. Loans on Wills or purcnasea. FIDELITY FINANCE CORP, LTD. Fit.

in07i SYDNEY, Phone 25-1954. i Martin fiace topp. ptNK iTFt. pnone -5oa, ioi man street, renntn. LITHGOW.

Phone 3081 i ui Mam street, Litng ABOUT CASH PROBLEMS. INt Z9-U121. LEDIR ESTATES PTY. LIMITED. Telephone applications.

Same day without security. $40, CITY. 29-8121. 7th Floor. Wvnyard House.

291 George Street. BANKSTOWN, 709-5533, 2nd Floor, Compass Centre, North Terrace. PARRAMATTA, 635-8035. Z9 Macquane street. WOLLONGONG, 28-120, 3rd Floor.

223 Crown Street. ADVANCES. PERSONAL LOANS to $30q to SCHOOLTEACHERS. GOVERNMENT and BANK OFFICERS in TOWN and COUNTRY and permanent ciert ral fmalnvftt of anv larae In. stltution.

Large amount on furni ture, cars, etc. CALDWELL and WATT Pty. bsiaoMsnea since isua, 17 Castlereagh Street. Sydney, Phone 28-9125. EXISTING MORTGAGES purchas ed ior prompt casn.

rn. -moi, MORTGAGES: See R. Wade-Ferrell 55 Hunter St. z-3bi)a. sa-zsu.

COMPANY NOTICES TOWNSON MERCER HULUIMUS liAUSIKMUMj LIMITED. NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of tne snarenoiaers or tne company will be held at The Registered Office. 31 Burns Bav Road. Lane Cove. N.S.W..

on 30th July, 1969. at 10.30 a.m.. for the nur- pose of allowing the following resolution to be proposed a Srjeclal Resolution and If thouoht fit passed as a Special Resolu- SPECIAL RESOLUTION. 1 That the capital of the Com. oanv be and Is hereby In creased from one million dollars ($1,000,000) to two minion aoiitr5 bv the creation of two mil lion (2,000.000) additional Ordinary Shares of fifty cents (50C) eacn ranktna tor dlvl dend and in all other respects pari passu with the existing Ordinary Shares In the Company.

2. That the said additional two million (2,000.000) Ordinary Shares of fifty cents (50c) each as and when the same are issued and fullv paid up be converted Into stock dividend into two million (2.000.000) units of fifty cents (50c) each. 3. That thi? whole of the canltal of the Company be and Is nereby converted into ana clalfteri as (a) 200.000 7 p.c. cumulative redeemable preference shares of 50c each which it Is hereby resolved to create (b) 1,276.000 stock units ol 50c each (c) 2.524,000 ordinary shares of 50c each which shares and stock units shall have attached to them the rights powers privileges and conditions set forth In the Articles of Association ot the company, 4.

That the Articles of Associa tlon of the Company be alter and amended In the manner following: (1) Delete Article 4 and sub' stltute the following: 4. The capital of the Com. pany is $2,000,000 divided Into classes as follows: (a) 200,000 7 p.c. cumulative redeemable preference snares ot 50c eacn. (b) 1.276,000 stock Units of 50c each.

(c) 2,524,000 ordinary shares ot boc eacn. (2) Add Immediately after Article 4 the following new Mructe 4A. The said 200. 000 7 p.c. cumulative redeemable pre ference shares of 50c each (here natter caned Preference shall notwithstanding any other provisions In these Articles contained confer on the holders thereof as a class the following rights powers and privileges and shall be suoject id tne lonowiirg co nditlons': (a) The Preference Shares snail corner tne ant to fixed cumulative preferential dividend calculated from the date ot allotment at tne rate of 7 per centum (7 e-c.) per annum which shall due and payable whether earned or declared or not half-yearly on the 15th day of June and the 15th day of December In each year respectively commencing with the, 15th day of December 1969 on the capital for the time being paid up thereon In priority to any Kavment of dividend to the olders of any other classes of shares In the capital of tne company (b) In the event of the Cam pany being wound up the holders of the Preierence Shares shall have the right to be repaid (I) the amount nf canlfal paid up on the Preference snares neia oy inem re- '(II) any arrears of dividend earned or do.

dared or not) up to the aate oi repayment In priority to the holders of Preference Shares shall not entitle the holders thereof to any further participation In the profits or assets of tne company. (c) The holders of the Prefer ence snares snail oe en' nn a rod net Inn rt capital to the payment of paia up capital in priority to thft holder, nf all nthar shares In the capital of the company, (d) Without prejudice to any other of the rights powers and privileges conferred on the holders of the Prefer. ence Shares the Preference Shares shall confer on the holders thereof that right to reveiye nuutes ot general meetings and the reports and balance sheets (Including profit and loss accounts) of the Company to be laid before such general meetings and the right to attend at general meetings and be heard but shall not entitle the holders thereof to vote at any general meeting of (I) at the date of the meet. ing the dividend on the Preference Shares Is more than six months In arrear calculated from the date upon which It becomes due and payable: or (II) the business of the meet-Includes the consideration of a resolution which Is for the purpose of: (aa) winding up the Company (bb) sanctioning a sale of the, Company'a undertaking (cc) reducing the Company capital (dd) capitalising the Company's profits (ee) directly or Indirectly, aiTt-tunH tne ngms Ol privileges or the ever. else ot enjoyment of the rights and privileges of the holders of ine rreiercnce snares.

In any of the aforesaid cases every holder of Pre ierence snares snail held by him were ordinary slimes in me company fei Without the nrevlnns run. sent of a resolution of the holders of not less than three-fourths ol the Preference Shares for the time oei-ng unreacemea pasiea at a separate meeting of such shareholders (I) no further shares whether having preferential or other dividend ngms or otnerwise may be created and or Issued ranking In priority to or HOUSES, HOME SITES FOR SALE Home RANDWICK. SHOWPLACI. i o.r. Garden unit.

pauo. lounge to lawns, lap. dlnlne. wall oven kitchen, own laundry. CAR-PETE!) THROUGHOUT, and Including twin-tub washer.

10 cu. It frig. BRAND NEW. $14,950. ARRANGED.

Phone 211-1219. A.h. 982-3S68. WOOLLAHRA. lentre or eastern auouroi.

Lovely, modernised, spacious 2 bedrm. Units with glassed In tun. new kit, anil bathrms Situ. ated In quiet eul de sac but still close to everything. Priced from terms on eitiuo dep.

Under cover car space avail. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TOOAY 1.30-4 p.m. 5C OCEAN STREET. Phone 399-5113. North AT RYDE: $14,600.

Spacious Family Home, handy main shops, school. 4 huge bathrm. Fir. rovt H.W-S. Sever.

Garage. Finance For Free Computer Service. PHILIP YORK P.L.. Wir ttviim 8 0-0405. (Night 642-3531.

BAB A IN. S1 3. 950. Sparkling iimocr oungaiow, iota I shops trans. 3 sunny Bedrmsv huge living area, modern i acwer.

rori, Al airas. rinante Arrangea. For Free Computer Service. PHILIP YORK P.L.. EASTWOOD.

83-0381. (Night 85-3487.) BEECROPTI $21,950. Brick inri Tlmhr. i ft'ltv tailored to its site on the clean, uncluttered lines of the modern elastic Is situated hi one of the very nicest parts of Bee-croft. 3 good bedrooms, spacious uwi-Tire lounge I otnjna, up-IO-date elec.

kitchen, dhls. oart SEWER. In mint mrvrlltlFin In Idyllic tree setting with landscaped IUU0 DUt. 'tm every, hlng else. IsT Li I I OCT Hl-Ba-irV B4-1348, 84.1241; a.h.

86-7190. fk.n. BD-J3BB. B4-1Z35, EASTWOOD DISTRICT HOME 5 $12,000. Mod.

3-bed. Brick. rt.rt lpii. aewer, tarpon. $15,300.

Big. modernised, Brick, near train. New appts. Low 11 8.200. Ltnrurv.

mnrtmrn bed. Brick, stp. dream EDWARD GRAY E. 85-6963, Eastwood (A.H. 85-5826.) FOREST LLE.

1A iHRFF.RFnnnnu Urll i.d Good views. miAl CIDt'F AO for young couple. INSPECT EARLY THROUGH SMART HERON PTY. 13a Arndale Centre, Forest Wary, FRENCH'S FOREST. 451-5900! A.H- 451-1162.

86-2633. GREENWICH. $16,950. Conveniently situated 8rk. Bung, 3 study, Ige.

mod, kit. and bath. 2 shr. rec. and tit*.

Neat grnds. 2 mln. city bus. Finance available, For Free Computer Service. PHILIP YORK P.L., 692 Pacific Hwy, Chatswood.

412 -2333. Night 86-3256. HARBORDt $17,950, Large Brick uuiiwaiun, o.l.K,, Lounge, ample eat-In tile bathrm. Carport. Qual.

cpts. Finance Available. -For Free Computer Service. PHILIP YORK P.L.. Brookvala, 93-0451.

A.H. 939-1338. HOflNSRYi tic; nnn cam en pricK-iiie Home, m. sewer, walk num. ioi, -unarm, spac.

tile bathrm, Finance arranged. For Free Computer Service. PHILIP YORK P.L.. Hornsby. 47-0215.

(Night 476-1096.) KILLARA, WAHROONGA. rlUMlb, UNIIb, LAND. DOUGLAS UZ2ELL E. 46-3231. 1 LINDFIELD.


$16,000. Excellent building block In a duality area. Room tor pool. Handv to PETER MARTIN P.L., GORDON. 49-0296.

A H. 44-6002. NAREMBURN. V.P. $1500 DEP.

Full price S11.000. D.F. W.B. Cott. Car access.

Barg. B. C. Macdonald P.L.. 670 WlT-loughbv Rd.


B4-3250. PYMBLE-TURRA. $29,000. BRAND NEW. Spacious Home, 4 large 1'i lounge, din.

comb. Kitchen, family rm. 3-car garage. Elevated, level block. 49-2335.

A.H. 41-3595. G. A. PENNY P.L., Gordon.

RYDE NORTH. V.P. $12,985. BRICK VENEER. Outstanding oooartunltv tn purchase compact home wiin icp, inge.

ana cm. neat bathrm, and kit. Level 50 140. Cpts. and extras.

L. J. HOOKER TOP RYDE 52 Regional Shopping Centre. B0-C29B, A.H. 57-8257 ST.

IVES. $32,950. aeauiiruny presented 4-bcdrm. rwitn o.i.j name in giorious st. Walk to Primary and High schls.

Offering 1 'a huge Inge, (with views), tasteful fam-rniy luxury kit, Many extras, For Free Computer Service. PHILIP YORK P.L.. Gordon. 49-4565 Opp. P.O.

A.h. 48-0 340 TNORNLEIGH, $17,950. Only few mins. wane train. Picturesque white colonial ranch brick home, level grounds.

3 spac. luxury tile sep. garage, paiio. Finance available. For Freo Computer Service.

PHILIP YORK PTY. 385 Pennant Hills Rd. 84-0261. PENNANT HILLS. A.H.

d7n.17.lR TURRAMURRA. $22,900. Attractive Brick Home dt trees. 3 gracious uungs, am-, lamny luxury uin sun ivrrave. vjarnge, W.

cpts. Close schools, shops, TURRAMURRA. $36,000. Old Australian Colonial Resi dence of great charm on huge1 sep. family 3-4 eat-in rumpus ouie.

garags, w.w. epis. RICHMOND P.L.. Turramurra, .33 Rohlnl St. 44-1333, any houi THE GUMS.

3 DOUBLE BEDROOMS, spa clous lounoe-dlnlna. mod. kit. are contained In this young brick home sited on 75ft block. OWNER'S TRANSFER PERMITS LOW ru iit.

PETER MARTIN T'MURRA, 1374 Pacific Hlahwav. 44-1953. A.H. 49-3507. Home Units (North) HOME UNITS.

MOSMAN. WHCtLMAK REAL ESTATE, Spit Junction. 969-6777. MANLY-FAIRLIGHT. $13,500.

New Unit, ground floor, level to shops and bus. Super Kit. ana oainraom, ige. oaicany. L.U.

store. CHARLES PARK and MANLY. 97-0207 I MANLY FAIRL1GHT. $15,750, Dellahtful near new Unit In small block. Sunny ground floor position, handy to transport and shops.

Generous lounge dining, two bedrooms, Ideal kitchen and bathroom. Car space. Wall-to-wall carpers, cuinos ana pnone are included. ROBEY. HANSON STRONG, 33 The Corso, Manly.

97-1114 A.h. 451-2745 or 949-2183. MANLY. SI 5.700. Close pool, terry.

Beautifully riresented near-new Unit, with a urge private balcony overlooking the Harbour. Spac. loungedining area, two fine hedrooms. superb kit. and bathrm.

Quality NORTH SHORE: Sea eh In for luxury 1 or 2 bedrm. Unit, close to crty (4-5 miles), transport (10 mlns. to Wynyard). Excellent shopping area (1S blocks). New release of luxury Units now available from only $1300 deposit.

To Inspect phone 35-2143 35-2700, ROSEVILLE. 1 00yds Lounge, separate dining, study or 3rd bedroom, Garage. Only 1 riiuBTi. Linaneia West ATTRACTIVE. V.P.

DEP. $195. Phone, Double garage. Wide block. Plenty of extras, Handy shops and transport.

Cabramatta. Regal Aoency, Phone 644-4279. ASHBURYi $15,750. Spacious brick uunuaiow. at -In kit.

tile bathrm. H.W.S. 1 1 1. in. w.yv.

carpet, uar. transport. Red. finance. For Free Com outer Service; PHfLIP YORK P.

ASHFIELD. 71-0306! A.M., 798-0379. BALMAIN. V.P. $6900.

Newly painted brick semi- bungalow, 2 tounge, amy i minute to shopping centre. jiauo aep' ni. BALM' ESTATE AGENCY, 347 darling Street. 82-0661 aCKTOWNi $10,000. Modern FiDroine Mome, tasv waix shops.

Nfce area. 4 b.r., eat-m ku-. Datnrm. Sewer avail. Fin.

arr. In full. For free Computer Service: PHILIP YORK P.L.. Blacktown. 622-0800: nlprtt.

638-5962. BALMAIN: S8SO0 FULL DEPOSIT $695. SPLIT-LEVEL. Charming Brick. Two lounge, good kit.


$12. 000. Neat Flora Tile name on larae' oiock. BtL-MORI: far kit. bed luxury appointments.

Price CPOYOONt B.T. SO years young. Garage- Handy to aM. $14,999. GORBONS REAL ESTATE.

Strath-field. CANLEY HTS. 'SI 0.000. Built 5 immit, ranro i i ue. nrxB spat, til kitchen de luxe bat firm.

Gge, Handy ter' vices. Fin. arr. Far Free Computer Service: PHILIP YOic Liverpool. 602 45SSjntQht.

70-. 457. CAMPSIEt. $12,250 Attractiveiu.F. BrickTile Cot.

tage In select area. At trans. 1 bedrmt. and fDac. Inae.

neat ba.i..n. Large For Free Computer Service: PHILIP YORK P. Belmore. 759-645; night. 759-4652.

GREENACREk $12,500. Fullv ren6 vaica orxMiiie. 3 ao e. Dearms. big sep, dining, mod.

kit. ana Dainrvn. n.vv. sewer, uar age. Flnartce arranged.

For Fr Cnmouter Hmrvlr: PHILIP YORK P.L., Bankstown. GRANVILLE: $2000 DEP. Excel- Large Nock. Picked position. Neat nation una scnoois.

r.f. S12.S79, Finanae arranged. For Free romoiiter Kmrvrm: 'H0-1P YORK P.L.. Granville. LAjCfcMBA area lor Homes.

See WILLS. Lanemoe raM-zabe, PARRAMATTAt $7950. Smart i-amiiY Mome. oooa order. Cheeper than rent.

Easy walk main shops. 2-3 huge dining, mod, kit. Finance tirrivigca. For Free Computer Servicer PMUp York P.L., Parramatta, 635-7922: a.h- 85-4912. PAelANIA WEST.

3-bedrm. Homes iii wi erv wnieniem pan or Bankstown Municipality with the biggest shopping centre, recreation facilities. Fully completed Homes with beautiful modern (kitchen can be yours from only $11,930 at EDUCIBLE bank Interest See or ring us NOW. HITTER HOMES, OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 402 Chapel Road. 8ankstown.

a.h. 644-5085 77-4116 346-6339 ROZELLEi V.P. EXTRA FULL DEP. $350. FULL PRICE $7500.

A BARGAIN BUY. Having 2 bedrooms, lounge and THIS MUST SELL QUICKLY PARTRIDGE BROS. PTY. 660-5322: A.H.. 31-5119, STAN MORE.

EXTRA SPECIAL. ONLY $395 DEPOSIT. SflLID RRirtt rnTTAr.c THIS IS SPECIAL with 2 good lounge, separate lounge. ONE LOAN RED. FINANCE.

PARTRIDGE BROS. PTY. 233 BROADWAY. 660-5322: A.H.. 41-7080.

SEVEN HILLS. SEWERED. Brand new 3-bedroom W'board Home, complete In every detail. Intl. all fences, paths and P.C.

Items, for sale bv owner. Full price $10,600, Including all legal costs. Will accept a deposit of $100. (ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS). Genuine offer for client earning at least $60 clear per rcquirea, Phone 635-SOB6 any day.

Home Units (West) HISWICKl DEEPWATER FRONTAGE. Two bedroom Units for sale (10 squares). PRICE $14,000. FINANCE AVAILABLE. Open today.

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or phone 83-5874, after hours MARRICKVILLE. V.P. SI 0.500.

Ultra-mod strata Title. 2 bed rooms, ounae. tcnen. a lovely bathrm. FULLY FURN.

swim. paoi. uniy a mins. ran. Terms.

Urgent sale. HARVEY BRftWNP A CCt 55-5392, 55-2517. a.h. 529-7624 inawarra kq, rviarriCKVtiie. Central Blue Countrv.

Interstate GOSFORD DISTRICT. Mod. W'board cont 2 Inge. etc. On main roaa, tievatea witn gooa views, C.

POTTS Burns Crescent, Gesford. Phone 2-0388. bargain Blocks: 2 only, one Norm coast, one boutn toast. Virtual waterfronts. Repossessed blocks that must be sold this "wn, uivner win nnance very low deposit up to 5 years terms, approximately S3 per vvcck, nunorcos 01 collars De-low original prices.

Priced tc sell. Phone owner now. 27-91719. A.H. 929-9573.

Anchor Invest- jnenu r.L ton ueorge itreet, Sydney. PROPERTIES FOR SALE (Commercial, Industrial Investment) COMMERCIAL Building Sites worm svoney, trows Nest and Artarmon, in prominent positions, RICHARDSON WRENCH C'Nest. 43-2124. A.h. 94-6471.

I CITY OF SYDNEY, 356-358' Elizabeth St. Open for Inspection today (Monday) 11-12 noon. roumy v.r. tonca uigni inous-trial. Brick Bui Id I no of Ground 2 upper floors, plus caretaker's ai on jra noor.

ror Auction FLATS. 12 new large Flats and garages, rt. at station and shops. Hurstvllle area. Selling price of $114,000.

$30,000 dep will show genuine 10 p.e. net. Colin Hawkins, 29-2169. A.H. 53-9193.

Lugarno. FLATS. Vaucluse. practically new targe riats witn oeautlful ocean views, 4x2 B.R. of 9 squares each and 1 3 B.R.

of 18 squares (each with garage). Due to new Council building regulations this offer cannot be repeated. Sell $87,000. $22,000 dep. Colin Hawkins, 29-21 69.

A.H. 53-9193. Luoarno. INDUSTRIAL A LAND. Slightly more than 2'a at In very valuable area.

J. B. OATES. 302a Pennant Hills Rd, nr. Thornlelgh.

84-6555. VESTMENT! FLATS, CRONULLA $41,500. Block of 3. Handy fusiiiun jjiio uuod ret. Investment Department.

Harvey Real Estate (Carlngbah) Pty. Cnr. Klngsway and Wlllarong Rd Caringbah. 525-2044. A.M.

t.7R.A7;Q INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENTS. --lass sue witn nouse. SZDV 1QB 01 ass Site with house. Industrial Department. Harvey ReaJtyEsJ (Carlngbah) Cnr.

Klngsway'and 'vVlllarong Rd, Carlngbah. 525-2044. A7h. 528-B255. ROSE BAY, 27 William St.

Vs Davelopment approval tor and 3 1-B-R. $48,000. "NT. SITE Rom Bay. 613 Old UNIT SITE 314 nnnrii om at $57,000.

2-stret frontages. 50 337-1993'. fr 'Z Unl" unit SITE In choice Rose Bav. TJL 9)- 10 new itmuiiuuTii ni oTier cannot be repeated. SeU $48,000, Colin Hawkins, 29-21697 a.h! STATIONS, FARMS STOCK ACRES, 25: SPECIAL.

natural setting, nice Shid.v Slenvmake this property a most desirable retreat or week- Electricity and Phone available, NAME YOUR DEPOSIT. FULL PRICE S2850. JONES DEVELOPMENTS P.L., Grt. West. Hwy, Eastern Creek.

625-831 1. Open 7 days. After 6 p.m.. 76-6701. HOUSES, BUSINESS PREMISES, LAND WANTED TO BUY ANY (Ire Units.

Plats sites with. in a mud wimpjie, uraent casn. CIRCLE R.E., Campsle. 789-2111 ANY Tenanted Property Wanted, Western Suburbs. Tu that head' acne into casn.

76-059 St rath ftp Id, ANY SUBURB. U.S. Migrant Fam- fy pay to 130.000 cash for home. Philip York. City.

Free 0 outer service. ZII-OSII. (A hours 32-7594.) AN INTERSTATE Buyer URGENT. it requires nome in wah-ROONGA-TURR AMURR A. Willi py tain rrom sju.uuu to 000.

CRUICK5HANK of WAHROONGA 48-1074. BALMAIN. BUYERS AVAlLABLI. For all types of properties Immediate IntPtction. Free valuations.

BALMAIN ESTATE AGENCY 17 D.rlinn trct. Hl.OfeSt. COUNTRY Couple seeks V.PT Cott. si, oeorge area, uennne casn. POLL IT, Co- Rockdale.

$9-1080. HOMES WANTED. All Suburbs. All rices, rnitip Tor tuy, Fr rnmiMiter Sorvlee. 211-0511 (a-h, 32-7594) LAND.

irUL.E nLUl.rS on SUBDIVISION WANTED. Hotroyd or Blacktown Muni. ci pal ties, other areas considered SUBURBAN CONSTRUCTIONS PTY. 635-5544, or write; 162 Church Street. Parramatta.

NEWSAGENT who has soM busl Paddlngton-Woollahra. Philip York, cltv. Free Computer Service. 211-0511. (A.h.

32.7594.) OLD W.8. Home. Cash buyer. I 57-2255. L.

Wright. Hurslvllle, TAXATION OFFICER Will pay casn Tor a noma witmn 10 miles Of the G.P.O. Urgent. Philip York, ohy. Free Computer Str-vke.

211-0511 (a.h. 32-7594). TO LET ANNANDALcTTJnfurn. House, $1 9 ATTRACTIVE Lux. Terrace.

4 bdr f. new aut. w. macn. ci.

atn. $40. 65 London St. Enmore. Al ACCOMMODATION, 29-2626.

iry us tor your noma. asi Georoe St. Svdnav. SaLMAINi 1 bedroom furn. House to let, an convs.

inci. pnone. A real lovely little home. 82-1969. Cheap rent but must buy furniture.

Owner going overseas. GLADESVILE: Cottage, near shops and trans. Inspection after 10 a.m., 47 Wharf Rd. HURSTVILLE, 2-bedrm. Cottage, $21, bond $60.

very handy, refs. reqd. 606-5162. KURNELL, Cottage. Nice yard.

Close to water, shops, etc. Take children. $14.50. Ph. 668-9878.

KILLARNEY HEIGHTS: Attract. Tuny turn, nome. Avail. ist Aug. mins.

ise. sau p.w. MARRICKVILLE, 2" bedrm. un? lurn. cottage, some repairs needed.

Suit Handyman, $15 D' A. H. TAYLOR PTY. 448 Parramatta Rd, Petersham. 560-7066.

NEWTOWN. S20. 2 freshly renovated. VALE, 384 Pitt St. 61-6578, NEWTOWN, Furnished House.

4 benrms. etc. U4. PPTFRSflN. 1.nqS 247 Oxford St, Darllnghurst.

PADDiNGTON: Rennv. self -cont. uniurn. Terrace House, S20. wm, C.

Cale Son, 79 Pitt Street, 27-5125. PUNCHBOWL, $2S, Furn. 3 B.R. Brick Home, garage, phone. Quiet St.

9 wks. ONLY. ROBERT R. ANDREWS PTY, 717 Punchbowl Road, Punchbowl. 750-0588.

REDFERN, $16. z-bedrm. Terrace, part turn. VALE. 384 Pitt St.

61-6578. VAUCLUSE. fully furn. home. 3 open veranda.

$48, w.w. cots. Garage. Harbour views-337-4534, 37-6450. WHY LOOK FOR A HOME TO RENT when you coum De duv-ing? If you can afford $100 de posit, nave a secure foo arniriH $60 per week clear, you can buy direct from the builder, a new 3-bedrm.

Home. A genuine offer to a genuine ouyer. io inspect phone 635-5180 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to p.m., and Saturday-Sunday. 11.30 a.m.

to 4 p.m. WANTED TO RENT Al ACCOMMODATION. 29-2626 we neeo properties tor snort or long terms. Management, spec, 391 George St, Sydney. A.H, 665-2349.

FACTORIES, SHOPS, BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET WANTED TO RENT Al ACCOMMODATION, 29-2626. Try lor your nome. 391 ueorge at. syoney AT ROSE BAY Shopping Centre. workroom, easy free parking at door.

Phone, water, 3 phase, etc. Size 20 12. $20. Goodman. CITY, modern shoo.

Market and isent si, noar coverings pnone, water, etc. formerly Darner. Cnnrtman 7Q.q7r?. CITY. Shops in the city area fr.

sau p.w. i-or lunner particulars anrtlv Cltv LMlna Dpnartment. RICHARDSON WRENCH LIM IT EO b-3Q51, CITY. 1700 sq. ft.

PITT STREET. First floor offices workroom. Hdy. to Town nan. uas.

water, Driveway access. Ideal photog. S45 P.w. Det. 221-1244.

CITY. 1600 sq. ft. Sussex suit ngnt manufacturer, rive-in 2000 sq. ft.

King ground floor, drive-In access. 1000 sq. ft. Also avail, on 1st noor. $ai p.s.r.

dSOO n. ft. Palmer St. Load. Ing dock, exc.

lighting, $1 .25 RICHARDSON WRENCH LIMITED. 25-3051. FACTORIES WAREHOUSES. various propositions avauaoie- HENRY SUMMERS. 28 Bond St.

27-1952. WANTED, FACTORY or WARE- MUUit SKA(t, uuu to aUUU tl. Outside city, near main road-37-6939. OFFICES, HALLS, STUDIOS TO LET AND WANTED 'AN OFFICE Serv. and Sect.

Only 3 p.w, rn. ans. box mo. Man. Keg.

aaa. save on Starr, rent. tvp. dUD. 21d Oaielna Htf 211.1472 AT Rose Bay.

waterfront, modern; rurnisneo omce witn pnone. Ex-eel lent light, free easy parking. I Right opp. bus stop In shopping centre, uniy us weex. a.

uooo man. 29-5262. CITY, in loading Hotel. Suite 2 omces. incl.

carpets, drapes, light, R. G. "HILL A CO. PTY. LTD.

1 75 Pitt St, 25-1125. 25-3932 CITY OFFICES. SHOWROOMS. ueorge, rsent ana Torn MS, HENRY SUMMERS. 28 Bond St.

27-1952. ITYt Street level office with dls- piay rront ana own entrance, car. peted and furnished, right a1 loading zone. Phone, water, etc. CITY SHOWROOM: Excellent showroom spacing in mod.

building. Superb location. 5.000 sq. ft. long term lease ror Turtner particulars contact CHARD LIMITED, CITY7 Pitt street 185 sq.

ft. at $2.60 Bllgii' Street, 215 sq. rt. $3.75 msi. iigru.

ctean Diag, 430 sq. ft. also available. Pitt Street, 308 sq. ft.

a on rax. near Martin PI. 1st floor p.S.T. Pitt Street. 700 sq.

ft. approx. King and Eliiabeth. 1268 so. ft.

mod. bldg. incl. air cond. tor pet, cleaning Tram if p.s.t.

Ellrabeth Street. 2260 sq. ft. part carpeted, partitioned, over-looking street. $3 p.s.f.

Clarence Street. 3432 sq. ft. ap- newly renovated nat. light.

$3. p.s.f. King and Elizabeth, 6650 sq. ft. approx.

whole floor, new1 Dunaing nearing completion. $6.65 Incl. carpets, cleaning and air ronrl Further particulars contact Mr jonnston or rvir nawKins. RICHARDSON WRENCH LIMITED. 25-3051.

King street, difV: Suite' Ex umces, newiy paintca. iuuu sq ft. dlv. 4 spo. offices and aen.

office. Suit Acccountant, Solicitor or other profession. Lease. Rent son p.w. R.


175 Pitt St. 25-112. H.Tmj LOOKING FOR PKEST Itjfc OFFICE SPACE IN THE CITY OF SYONEYI The New A.D.C. BUILDING on the enrnir nf ELIZABETH AND KING STS ring completion. STILL SOME AVAILABLE FROM o.t)3 per sq.

it. Ing. carpets, Venetian blinds, dally CONVENIE LnrATcn Sole Leasing Agents: RICHARDSON and WRENCH uirvii i cu. Phnn Jt. NORTH SHORE OFcire tPArt, CROW'S NEST: Space available1 iiiuiRiii mni.

Jiu sq. It. parking available. S2.75 NORTH SYDNEY: Cnr. Pacific Hlphwav Miller St.

areas from 3550 sq. ft. $4.50 p.s.f. Incl. NORTH SYDNEY: A.

D. C. nouse ouu-iuuu sq. Tl. avail $4 p.s.f.

excel, cleaning. Mod. air cond. bfdg. MILSON POINT: Mod all conditioned bldg.

2725 sq. ft. to 5000 sq. ft. approx.

Out- standing water views. S4. 1 0 p.s.f. available up to 14.000 sq. ft.

i Contact Mr Hawkins or Mr RICHARDSON A WRENCH LIMITED. 25-3051. JVft computer service .521 5411. HUM CfKQM STH.i 525,750. Lovely Family Cottage, prattlge area, ocean views.

3 fntertelning work-saving nice garage, qualltv extras. Finance Arranged, PHILIP YORK P.L., Randwiek. ru, rm LomDunr aer Night 34-7384. CITY AULA: XXX SPECIAL. DEP.


233 BROADWAY. M0-B322. A.H. 798-0431 CARINGBAH SOUTH. HI OOO Su bit ntll Pull Brick Family Home of 3-4 splendid oror mr oui.

large lounge, sepa rite dlnlna area. Double Girio. Sewered toilet. Minutes only to; nam, scnoois, etc. strongly rt- HARVEY" REAL ESTATE CO.

PTY. 23-6499. A.H. 522-0759 CRONULLA. 132,000 the aspirin.

Yotir house-hunting headaches are over, ice ana 'thl. i Architect-designed and sited on i corner dm It I on In a lovely crescent adorned with lovely gums anti aultt near the bay. The rear pans is a sun Trap ana overiooKs tiled Altered iwlmmtna pool 34 15, with outdoor furniture and barbecue features. 3 sep. dining, ig 13 lounge, extra entTwer recess, gas nraiins ana fab.

22 24 garage. Plenty or room Tor caravan ana ooai. HARVEY REAL ESTATE CO. PTY. 12S Cronulla St.

Cronulla. 23-6499. A.H. 522-0759 OLE II POINT: VP. $21, sep.

fully li.w.9., pnone. cots. great buy on Reducible Finance. For Frue rnmmitar Service. PHILIP YORK PTY.

City. 1. (A.H. 34-8, 7 KYLE BAYl $18,700. Modern Flbro-Tlle 3- bedrm.

Family Home. Delightful utttflna mlritt aualltv hamei. Lend 50 198. Garage. Finance Arranged, For Free Computer Service.

PHILIP YORK P.L., Huntville. 87-0478. (Night 587.4835. I AND LUGARNO. vviterfront River views.

Easy bunding. qbso. wngni, riursivnie. MAROUBRA BEACH. Buy DIRECT from Builders.

PATIO HOUSE from $17,750. COURTYARD HOMES Ocean View Park Developments. OfRee: Broome Street, Ma row bra. STOCKS HOLDINGS PROJECTS. 4.7020.

After hours 949-1061 MDPERN. Handy Station. 2-bedrm. Terrace, good order, 7650. Deposit $500.

PETERSON. 31-3095, 147 Oxford St. Oarllnghurtt. RA MSG ATE: V.P, $11,500. CORNER POSITION.

Flbro Cott. 3 b.r. plus noosed ige. oarage. Many Inclusions.

Near transport, shops. MARTIN. STACK 59-0397. R'dale. a.h.

661-2249. rose' lsay'. Bungalow. NE aspect. Central pos.

ideal for conversion to Cape too styie. contains sep. din. -room, sep. lounge, garage.

Compact layout. For easy enter-talnlna. Full erica S35.750 o.n.o. G. GIANNiOTIS, L.R.E.A..

Rose nay. i-yeu. WOOLLAHRA. Private sale. Restd.

Sandstack Cottaae. 3 atudv. bathrm. Northerly aiOfKt In eul-da-aac. adl.

CoooBr Park, with back lane car entry. no, i smaii si. Ua.ii'su, in-apect WATERFRONT. KOGARAH BAY. P.

52.0(10. Older-style Timber Home on a WATERFRONT BLOCK with MAGNIFICENT VIEWS. The home is old but comrortaoie ana oers 3 bedrooms, nice lounge, good kitchen and bathroom. Ring or can tor run aetani. KICKS COOK.

245 Rocky Pt. oad, RAMSGATE. 529-7241. A.H. 587-2479.

523-1828, Home Units (E-South) AT HYDE PARK: V.P. DEP. S300J Brick, brand new Baehelor Unit, carpeted, ven. wash, mach, Frig. Repay $22 p.w.

Owner red finance. G. BENSON ASSOCIATES. 6 Glenayr Ave, North Bondl, BOND) BEACH: Unit, klt'ette Renovated In mod. style.

Price nuiiu. Fin. avail, on ssoo dep. Reo. at Unit 8.

58 Cmo. bell Pde. 9.30-11.30 a.m. Phone inquiries oo-aou oerorn a.m, and between 6 and 7 p.m. BONDIl STRATA.

READY FOR OCCUPATION. SPACIOUS 2-8EDROOM UNITS. Lift til floors, 2 sun-drenched oarconrcs. uwn nttea launories. eparcie toiieii.

l.u. garages. INSPECT TODAY, For appointment, phone) RALPH GOODWIN, L.R.E.A., 5S-63 Eliiabeth Street, CITY. 85-7415; a.h. 337-1264.

DARLING POINT, "LONG WOO." 11 THORNTON STREET. OPEN TODAY, 1 P.M. -4 p. An exclusive few orlvate JB.R. Apartments with Harbour lews are temporarily available In this 21 -storey luxury tower.

We cordially Invite Inspection. Phone inquiries; ataci -iuea. AST SUBS. VIEW UNIT. Sunny 2 B.R.

Randwlck. Outlook from City to Cronulla. rrtv. ia unary, oaicaniea lounge, sep, dining, ultra-mod. kitchen, Secluded vet handy bus, shops, $14,750 FINANCE ARRANGED.

rnoiw ecci-iuoo; a.n. JV-aJla MILLSDALI. OME UNITS. UUW UCr-3ll. 1 and 3-bedroom Units.


After hours 661-4500. Or 661-4258 any tlmt. ANDWICK. PIN. ARRANGED A VERY.

VERY FEW Ultra modern 2 B.R, Private awuariiitwnt mm aeiign Kiicnen, close-off taundrv. a nuna. im dining. In garden setting. From rinance arrangea.

Immediate Intr nice 8 K.ANCES ST. RANDW(CK. urjn uu i-a p.m. Phont 221-1088. A.H.

39-S316, ANDWICK, AVOCA GARDENS, Molt sought-atter units in the heart of Randwlck, 2 and 3 bedrooms, swimming pool, private Deposit 10 per cent. PARKES DEVELOPMENTS P.LM 37 York Street. SYDNEY. Ring, day or night 32-6645, VAUCLUHi STRATA OCEAN VIEW UNITS. ONLY TWO REMAIN.

1 BEDROOM, $11,950. 2 BEDROOM, $15,450. CHy but at, door, spacious Irving area, of iuw xitcnen painroom, carpets, own mi an ia unary, wnny qtkk 0l cony. L.U. garages available.

INSPECT TODAY. For appointment, phone RALPH GOODWIN, L.R.E.A., $5-63 Elizabeth Street, CITY. f-7411; a-h. 337-1264, Under Instructions from Metropolitan Water, Sewerage Drainage Board F. R.

STRANGE PTY. LIMITED win Sell at the Board's MOTOR GARAGE SITE corner of Brunker Road and Aahby Avenue, Yagoona THIS DAY AT 10.30 A.M. 6 1967 HOLDEN HR 18S SPECIAL SEDANS. 1 1967 FORD FALCON XR 200 DE LUXE 500 SEDAN. 1 1968 HOLDEN HK 161 STANDARD STATION WAGGON.



1 1965 HOLDEN EH 149 STANDARD UTILITY. 1 1965 FORD FALCON XP STANDARD UTILITY. 1 1966 FORD F100 (4-speed box) UTILITY. 1 1965 FORD F100 (4-speed oox) UTILITY (with tanooy). 1 1966 109ln LANDROVER STATION WAGGON (with heater).

1 1964 AUSTIN 303NC 2-3 TON PLATFORM LORRY. Payment, must be made by CASH or BANK CHEQUE. Private cheques will be accepted only after prior arrangements with the Auctioneers. F. R.

STRANGE PTY. LIMITED Licensed Auctioneers, I.C.I. House, 61 MacquaH Street, Sydney, 27-4801. GEOFF K. GRAY PTY.



Incl, H.M.V.. Natona Philips. A.W.A. I TAP.f RECORDERS. Stereo.

lectrl arid Tran- Philips, etc. TRANSISTOR Astor and Sharp. MANTEL MODEL RADIOS. CAR RADIOS Inr A.tnr Hnlrl.n. ferrls.



Matched Sets. CAMERAS. ISmn, il Volot- Hanlmex. Tetne and r. Ci PRO I FfTrvBC GUITARS, Incl.

Hohnci sett ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. Elect, and Spanish Sher, Black and Decker and Llghtburn. PbS0Ta Petri; GENERATOR. Port. JEWELLERY ur ikade, incl.


RECORDS. AT 1 P.M. 1. 2 and 3 stone DIA- alto tltKNUT. feucnatel, Timor.

Enlcar, Re- LYdteV aM Gent w'rRWt B'nos and BROOCHES sot FellelS 5 Waltham, fls. lid. I. M. gno iviarcasue.


Today and Tomorrow at 1.30 Each Day Large offering pawnbrokers unredeemed pledgee 212-1092 Ae.ociated Auctioneer. P(y. Ltd. 82-0421 Lied. Auct oneers: Lewis and lii u.I Member, ot tn.

Auctioneer, and el N.S.W. PINE ART, INDUSTRIAL and COMMERCIAL AUCTIONEERS ANO (Continued top next column), TTIkl.lfm CnuCLt, declared to have been lost..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.